It will always be overshadowed by the larger, more distinctly flavored, sunny yellow "common chanterelle," but the yellowfoot mushroom is a very good alternative that can be found in great abundance for several months of the year.
Where to Find It
Look for yellowfeet in the moister areas of deciduous or coniferous forests. Pay attention to mossy forest floors where large colonies of yellowfeet can suddenly pop up, especially after heavy rain. Because of their greyish-brown color they can look like dead leaves, so inspect the forest floor carefully. Once you've got your eyes attuned to them, you can easily find large quantities of yellowfeet.
Deciduous forests, coniferous forests.
When to Find It
As fall progresses, you’ll find more and more yellowfeet, right up until the frost sets in. October and November are normally very good months for them.
Entire mushroom: September, October, November.
How to Spot It
The yellowfoot is a charming little mushroom with a smooth cap that rarely grows more than two to four cm in diameter, and up to six cm in height. Its cap is greyish-brown or dark olive with a deep, bellybutton-like depression in the center. The edge of the cap—like that of other chanterelles—is often very wavy. Underneath, it has greyish-yellow ribs and veins that fork out over a stem that is yellowish, flattened, and hollow.
How to Pick It
Cut yellowfeet at the foot with a pair of scissors. Their flesh is thin, so you'll need to gather quite a bit before you'll have enough for a meal.
Risk of misidentifying the plant
Yellowfeet can be confused with brownish-yellow chanterelles and grey chanterelles, both of which are the same shape and size. Grey chanterelles, however, are solid grey all over, and brownish-yellow chanterelles have less distinct ribs. All three varieties work much the same when cooked.